Concessionary Prices
If a Part 1 generic product cannot be sourced below the Drug Tariff price the Department of Health & Social Care (England) may grant a concessionary price for this product and all pharmacies will be reimbursed at this increased price. If DHSC do not grant a concessionary price, then the product will be reimbursed at Drug Tariff price.
Concessionary prices are awarded on a monthly basis and usually start to be published around the middle of the month. They can continue to be awarded up until the end of the month. Just because a product has been given a concessionary price in one month, it does not necessarily mean it will be given one in the following month.
Each month is considered separately based on the information available to DHSC.
Community pharmacists should inform CPNI when they cannot source a product below the Drug Tariff price or if they cannot obtain stock at all. These issues can be reported by clicking the button below: