Nesbitt launches Winter Preparedness Plan
The Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has announced a series of initiatives to protect key health and social care services during another highly challenging winter period.
The measures are detailed in a 2024/25 Winter Preparedness Plan.
They will not eliminate winter pressures on the HSC system but will help to alleviate their impact.
The Health Minister said: “There is no doubt that the Health and Social Care system is again facing a very difficult winter period. While there are ongoing pressures across the system all year, it is clear that more people become sicker, for longer, over the winter months. This is particularly true of our older population.
“The planning process for winter gets underway in springtime, to ensure that we can mitigate, as far as possible, the additional pressures that we know we will face. For this winter, this includes measures to keep the population well in the community, including the use of community pharmacy, and measures to protect primary care, hospital care and social care.
“We can all play our part again this winter to look after ourselves and support the health service. This can include getting vaccinated if you are eligible, taking sensible steps to stay well, and co-operating with hospital discharge processes if you or a family member are well enough to leave hospital.
“Timely hospital discharges are essential to ensure patient flow through hospitals, freeing up capacity in Emergency Departments and the Ambulance Service.”
In response to the plan, CPNI commented: “Community pharmacy is a valuable first port of call for many winter ailments and the clinical expertise of highly trained pharmacists is available on every high street, without an appointment.
This announcement coincides with Ask Your Pharmacist Week, an annual reminder of the value of community pharmacies in keeping people well in their own communities with Pharmacy teams now delivering the all-important flu and COVID vaccinations to keep people protected this winter.
With additional resources, community pharmacies can support patients further and help alleviate pressures on GPs and Emergency Departments. ”
The full publication can be viewed here: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/health/doh-winter-preparedness-plan-2024-25.PDF