Adherence Services
Multiple Dispensing is the supply, by a pharmacist, of part of the total quantity of a prescription-only-medicine, at set intervals (e.g. weekly or daily) as requested in writing by the GP or other authorised prescriber. Multiple Dispensing is an “exception” facility for use where the prescriber considers that it is essential to protect the well-being of the patient (to prevent abuse, misuse or life-threatening non-compliance) that instalments of the drug prescribed should be supplied to the patient at stated intervals. The prescriber may endorse the prescription to that effect in those circumstances. It must be clearly indicated on the prescription which item(s) require multiple dispensing and which are for normal dispensing.
Compliance support (including MDS provision)
Community pharmacies also provide compliance support solutions ranging from large print labels to monitored dosage systems (MDS). These adherence solutions are also provided to patients in receipt of domiciliary care packages. Monthly payments are made to each pharmacy in recognition of their requirement to provide compliance support to their population. Work is well underway to develop a new HSC commissioned compliance support service from community pharmacy.