Update Feb 2020
Grant funding has been made available to pharmacies in the Belfast and Northern LCG areas and it is anticipated this funding will be made available to the rest of the network in 2020/21.
Update Jan 2019
HSCB Correspondence Transformation Funding Allocations 15th Jan 2019
In January 2019, the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) provided funding of £1,500 to those community pharmacies who participated in the HSCB Safer Community Pharmacies for Staff and Patients Grant Funding Allocation (GFA).
Update Dec 2018
Following a number of particularly violent attacks in 2017, a Pharmacy Security Group was set up with representation from HSCB, DoH, CPNI, UCA, Pharmacy Forum and the Police Service NI. There was a shared recognition that any attacks on pharmacy staff are not acceptable and that risks to all who work in and visit pharmacies must be minimised. A Zero Tolerance approach to crime was launched in pharmacies in April 2017.
The initial programme offered:
- Poster campaigns to raise public awareness and deter attacks;
- NICPLD training programme for pharmacy staff; and
- Premises risk assessment through the Police Service of NI
The Police Service has highlighted that there has been a number of attempted robberies recently and pharmacists are reminded:
- To be vigilant at all times – in particular at opening and closing;
- To be aware of security protocols including location of panic alarms and escape/safe routes or zones;
- To talk quietly, calmly and deliberately to perpetrators;
- If faced with a violent situation, BACK AWAY, removing yourself from danger as best you can;
- Never follow a perpetrator out on your own – you may be a risk of injury;
- Dial 999 when:
- Life is threatened
- People are injured
- Crime is in progress
- Offenders are at or near the scene
- Otherwise use the non-emergency number 101
You are also reminded that the Medicines Regulatory Group at Department of Health (NI) has made available on its website an Online Incident Reporting Form for use by Community Pharmacy Contractors and staff.
The following Police Service web pages give further security advice for pharmacy businesses: